The rescheduled meeting with the Ministry of Education, Technological and VocationalTraining and parents and guardians of students at the Lester Vaughan School will nowbe held on Friday, April 5, at 3:00 pm at Queen’s College. For those parents who areunable to attend the meeting in-person, a link will be provided to facilitate virtualattendance. The meeting will be chaired by the Chief Education Officer, Dr. RamonaArcher-Bradshaw, and will have in attendance other Ministry officials, Principal of theschool, Mrs. Suzette Holder, the Chairman of the Board of Management, Dr DonleyCarrington, and Air Quality Expert, Mr. Ian Weekes who conducted the environmentaltests at the school plant. Mr Weekes who authored the most recent air quality report willmake a presentation on his findings and will answer any additional questions orconcerns raised. The Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Health, who bothperformed assessments at the school, will also be represented at the meeting.The Ministry of Education encourages all parents to make every effort to attend this veryimportant meeting as we work to strengthen our relationship with partners and seek tochart the way forward in the interest of our nation’s children. (PR)
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