Brandel Chamblee to serve as NBC’s lead analyst again in Houston

Brandel Chamblee to serve as NBC’s lead analyst again in Houston


BC: Well, I think there are several people that can do that job. It’s a very hard job, and by the way, it’s very hard to follow Johnny Miller. Following Johnny Miller in that role is like following Robin Williams on stage. It’s just not going to look good no matter who you are because Johnny was a god at that role, and I think that was probably — it’s going to be troubling for anybody in that role.

I listened to Luke Donald, and I thought he was terrific. I’ve heard that Geoff Ogilvy may or may not want to do it, but if he wanted to do, I think he’d be terrific.

The people that would be good in that role, they’re articulate, they’re thoughtful, but they have to hunger for it. They have to want it.  hey have to work their butt off at it the way Johnny did.

You go back and you listen to telecasts, and I do this a lot, and most of the time when you’re watching golf you’re paying attention to the golf, and the commentating, it’s not the focus of the show. The golf is the focus of the show, as it should be.  

But if you actually go watch telecasts and you make the commentating the focus, and I watch a lot of shows this way, how many times Johnny correctly predicts what’s about to happen or gives brilliant five to nine-word summations of what just happened, it’s incredible.  

To be able to do that, you’ve got to do your homework. You’ve got to hunger for it.  

Whoever ends up sitting in that chair permanently, it’s not enough that they have played the game at a high level. It’s not enough that they’re articulate. It’s not enough that they’re opinionated even. They’ve got to work their butt off at it to bring all that together.  

Again, I think Luke Donald would be tremendous at it. I don’t know if he wants to do it. He sounded great last week when I listened to him. I think Ogilvy would be great.  

If Tiger ever wants to do it, he’ll be tremendous. Paul Azinger is a friend of mine, and he reached out to me when he didn’t get renewed, and I immediately started thinking, I wonder who’s going to fill that chair. My first thought was Tiger. I don’t know if Tiger would want to do it but he would know the courses, he would know the players. He plays with all these young guys, so he knows their games, knows the courses. I mean, it would be a tremendous boon for the game of golf if Tiger wanted to do it. I’d certainly love to listen to him. The thing with TV is you just never know who’s going to be right for that role. You just don’t know.


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